Basic FMLA Responsibilities for Employers We spent the last post providing an overview of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - who’s covered, who’s...
Quick Facts about the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Although we discuss the Family & Medical Leave Act on our website, we thought we would provide a second source...
Proof Workplace Discrimination Can Happen to Anyone The attorneys at Walcheske & Luzi, LLC are continually surprised by the number of people who believe workplace discrimination could...
Background Checks Can Be a Liability to WI Employers Not handling the background check process correctly or misusing the information contained within the background check, also called a consumer...
Wisconsin & Nationwide EEOC Charge Data Released Ever wondered how many charges Wisconsinites filed with the EEOC each year? Or what type of EEOC discrimination claim is...
No Background Check Authorization, No Background Check for You! For Wisconsin employers, a common question is 'what happens if the job applicant refuses to sign the background check authorization...
Background Checks and the Fair Credit Reporting Act A natural segue from our last post regarding conviction records is to briefly touch on background checks and the requirements...
Conviction Record Discrimination under the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act Conviction record discrimination is a natural follow-up to our previous post regarding arrest record discrimination. Like arrest record discrimination, conviction...
Arrest Record Discrimination in Wisconsin In our post about Pepsi, we noted that arrest record discrimination is not a recognized claim under federal law, but...
New EEOC Guidance on Conviction & Arrest Records New guidance released by the EEOC on the use of employee and applicant conviction and arrest records clarifies the potential...